ADVFN’s Jekyll & Hyde Launched Today! Sign Up!
Today’s the launch of Jekyll & Hyde. Two New Tips Today! Yes it’s a paid Newsletter or as COMMONLY KNOWN A Tip Sheet…. What makes it different? This is what ADVFN say; “In this..., pub-7842875684800919, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
Incorporating the Infamous, "Libellous" Daniel Levi & the Famous BMD Financial Blog
Today’s the launch of Jekyll & Hyde. Two New Tips Today! Yes it’s a paid Newsletter or as COMMONLY KNOWN A Tip Sheet…. What makes it different? This is what ADVFN say; “In this...
It’s a long convoluted process trying to get credible information on target companies such as Ascent Resources (LON: AST). The process involves a myriad of avenues one has to go down, some lead you into a...
About time I started releasing some of the footage and photo’s taken from my Sound Energy (LON: SOU) trip. I’ve got literally hours of footage. This is the gas flare at TE7. AS CLOSE...
Ascent Resources (LON: AST) as most genuine objective investors/traders know we here do not constantly pump out utter shite on an hourly basis. We watch, listen, research and get to know what is going...
It’s been a long time in the planning and it’s cost a few bob, but when a private group of investor friends are looking to take a substantial position (substantial for us) in a...
Todays RNS seems to have caused quite a kerfuffle amongst the die hard Nostra Terrible Oil & Gas (LON; NTOG) Pump & Dumpers. On the face of it getting out of a $1,300,000 liability for...
It’s hotting up over in North Africa and I mean literally ‘hotting up’. Sound Energy (LON:SOU) behind the scenes are cock ‘o’ hoop and believe that their Moroccan gas play could deliver near term up to 4...
I’ve had a lot of meetings in London over the past 2/3 weeks with numerous sources and city contacts, chasing up news, views and opinion on various company’s. Theatre visits, wine bars, restaurants, emails, phone calls and...