, pub-7842875684800919, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Tagged: oil

Sound Oil bleeps ….. radar twitch….

As you all know I am a big fan of Sound Oil (LON:SOU) I was expecting to take part in their Conference call tomorrow but news from the Company is that it’s been delayed...

Nostra Terra Oil & Gas. How big is it?

As promised here’s what we’ve been working on re’ the recent NTOG news. I’ve been awaiting confirmation on the new asset/s that Nostra Terra Oil & Gas (LON: NTOG) recently acquired in the USA....

Leni Gas & Oil. Twitchers!

A lot of nonsense being written on Leni Gas & Oil over the last 4 weeks. Twitchers a plenty. So here’s the definitive story. It’s game on for Lenigas & Oil share-holders. Those like myself...

The Smallcap Oil & Gas round up

Quiet week this week. But it’s going to hot up soon enough at Lenigas & Oil! Fantastic story developing.  Eyes on UKOG!  Empyrean Energy (LON: EME) Released a strange one this week. It is...

Mosman Oil & Gas. “Discoveries?”

  There’s been such a fantastic rise in the MSMN share-price so it’s with  a sad heart that I piss all over it. There are just too many unanswered questions which Mosman Oil &...

Sound Oil. (LON: SOU) Italiano Sauces.

As you all know we don’t do things the usual way on here. No Siree! We like a company, we target that company, then we research it till we drop. Sound Oil (LON: SOU) may be..., pub-7842875684800919, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
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