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Incorporating the Infamous, "Libellous" Daniel Levi & the Famous BMD Financial Blog
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It’s full steam ahead at UKOG as sources indicate that a certain site has got behind the bandwagon. Suggesting “That you buy into a tiddler which promises a very interesting couple of months: UK Oil & Gas...
Transocean Galaxy ii Rig This week is a VERY important one re’ the above two companies.Institutional investors who have already taken positions in both company’s are thought to...
Many emails requesting response/information on Leni. Take a look at Leni’s full asset portfolio and research the company in full. The 1 BILLION BOE is not a typo, an invention of the...
Now lets see where were we? Ah yes; here we are. Encore oil are currently sat on a huge find as we all know at Catcher with an expected increase in OIP. Now Cladhan;...
I cannot believe the amount of emails currently piling up in the blog’s in-tray vis-a-vis Sterling and a good entry point. There are many investors who if they carry on here will be carried...