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Monday Newspaper round up.

The Chairman of Lloyds since September 2009, Sir Win Bischoff, is expected to announce his resignation ahead of Thursday’s shareholder meeting as the bank readies for privatisation, reports The Guardian. The disgraced former cabinet...

The Smallcap Oil & Gas round up.

Big changes on the way at the BMD site. News later today. Another week and another suspended company. Silvermere Energy. Gulfsands Petroleum (LON: GPX) Announces that the Company’s 2012 Annual Report & Accounts have...

Friday Newspaper round up.

The Japanese yen has broken through a major psychological barrier against the dollar for the first time in four years, setting the stage for further weakness seen as a boon for the country’s exporters...

Thursday Newspaper round up.

The boss of J Sainsbury has labelled the Government’s tax take from bricks-and-mortar businesses unfair and unsustainable, calling for a “rebalance” to address the march of online retailers. Justin King, who is a former...

Share Prophets. Why YOU should join!

There’s a terrific new site that’s just been launched It’s got tons of Financial Information, Data, Technical Analysis, Opinion, News, and Views with  Article’s that are in the main “Breaking News” It’s a must JOIN site. More...

Wednesday Newspaper round up

Chancellor George Osborne is said to be “braced” for the outcome of a review of the UK economy by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) starting today. The Independent said. Although the Treasury is ready...

The Daily Telegraph. STATEMENT from Daniel Levi

The Daily Telegraph. STATEMENT from Daniel Levi

STATEMENT The Daily Telegraph Article 29 January 2013 Today I have accepted an apology from The Daily Telegraph regarding their article of the 29th January 2013. Whereby it was wrongly reported that I was or..., pub-7842875684800919, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
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