Friday Newspaper round up.
British Airways boss Keith Williams said the airline would resist higher passenger charges at Heathrow airport to fund construction of a third runway, The Times reported. Heathrow wants top construct a third runway but..., pub-7842875684800919, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
Incorporating the Infamous, "Libellous" Daniel Levi & the Famous BMD Financial Blog
British Airways boss Keith Williams said the airline would resist higher passenger charges at Heathrow airport to fund construction of a third runway, The Times reported. Heathrow wants top construct a third runway but...
More Kansas piss & wind came yesterday via a Sefton Resources Kansas production update. Yes 1.5 bopd per well at a cost of $15,000 dollars per well 11 wells that we know of. Yet more...
Can it get much worse for the AIM Regulation team? Just what does one have to provide to them before a company is suspended or at the very least investigated? As you all know...
It’s been a busy week in the Smallcap Oil & Gas Underverse. Upset the BBLoons! Feel free to post some links of the round up on the various financial sites. Caza Oil & Gas (LON:...
Media mogul Rupert Murdoch and Abu Dhabi’s state media group are in talks to acquire the Financial Times Group for about $1.2 billion, according to a report. The move would see Murdoch add the...
Northern Rock bank has swung back into profit, six years after its failure and nationalisation, The Times reported. The bank, which came to symbolise the start of the banking crisis and was bought by...
Against all the odds I managed to get to the #Cesspit Awards ceremony last night of course I arrived, as per usual, late. How I got there and back in 9 hours bears testament...
Virgin Atlantic and Delta Air Lines have announced a code-sharing agreement on 108 routes, including flights between Britain and the US, The Times reported. The airlines are working together to compete more effectively with...