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Not For Sale Katherine!

    FAO Mr Daniel Levi. We are an online business brokerage firm. One of our clients is an investment banking firm located in California. Our client has expressed interest in this exact niche...

The Smallcap Oil & Gas round up.

Several of our researched success’s are mentioned this week. Urals Energy researched at 5p hit 12p now trading at 10.6p. Nighthawk researched at 6p hit 12.25p now trading at 10.25p and  Exillon Energy tipped...

Brokermandaniel Website Change of URL

Brokermandaniel Website Change of URL

*IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT* Just a quick note to let the faithful know that the URL will be changing to which will incorporate the Daniel Levi Infamous Libellous BMD Blog! There’s also a lot...

RIP for RIVP (RivingtonStreetHoldings)

It’s another shocking day for UK Share-holders as the suspended Rivington Street Holdings goes into administration. I did warn investors some months ago that the company had major problems. What really makes the blood...

Vialogy Spot the Difference!

The wheels have come off over at ViaLogy of that there is no doubt. The latest epistle/s tell us all that ViaLogy proposes  a”Restructuring and spinout” Yes that’s great. Shareholders  get 75% of a private US...

BMD Normal Service Has Been Resumed

At last we are back online after what seemed like an eternity. For some reason chat applets and pages vanished. The matrix had a glitch. Many thanks to the team at Vanilla Storm. for...

Web Site Technical Problems.

All Members.   The BMD site is experiencing some technical difficulties at the moment.   All will be solved (hopefully) tomorrow.   Either a virus or a plugin update problem   Bear with us!  ...

The Smallcap Oil & Gas round up

“Quiet” week in the Smallcaps world of oil & gas. Nostra have taken a hiding while trench warfare has broken out over at Urals Energy. Rita from MAGP keeps on rolling along while wonders..., pub-7842875684800919, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
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