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ShareProphets. Guilty on NEW!

Hot off the press Ben Turney the ShareProphets writer has been sacked by the Crony Capitalist and Hypocrite Bullshitter Tom Winnifrith. What was Ben’s crime? He wrote articles on the New World Oil &...

Tom Winnifrith Crony Capitalist Flip Flopper!

What an absolute cock Tom Winnifrith is. The self righteous hypocrite the man who has taken £100’s of thousands of pounds from London listed companies via his shareprophets seminars and UK Investor shows.  What...

The Sefton Synopsis!

When will the long awaited news on Sefton Resources (LON: SER) finally drop? That’s the question the loyal share-holders of one of the most closely followed stocks on the London AIM are at this minute asking....

Sefton Resources. Mission Accomplished. (Nearly)

A few thoughts from Chairman Dan. Last week as I sat snowed in at Philadelphia international airport awaiting what I hoped would be a short stop over (turned out to be 6 hours) while the plane was fueled and..., pub-7842875684800919, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
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