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JSG NEWS. Preliminary Results

JSG NEWS. Preliminary Results

Just a quick reminder here to all the JSG holders that the prelim’s  are out on the 9th March this month. It’s been a tough year for the company and judging by the recent...

Brokermandaniel.  TRP Debacle.

Brokermandaniel. TRP Debacle.

After listening to the feed back on here which i have whole-heartedly taken on board i have as part of the evolution of this blog decided to change the emphasis of the blog by...



The RNS ALERT is still on. The word here is that GKP may well have pulled the RNS that was alerted on Sunday/Monday. It is not unusual for an RNS to be withdrawn by a...

VERNALIS PLC!  The Great Gatsby SWINDLE continues….

VERNALIS PLC! The Great Gatsby SWINDLE continues….

Yes fellow investors the Great SWINDLE of shareholders continues here on the rotten ship VERNALIS!  Another massive 40% stock dilution is being underwritten once again by Piperjaffray who stand to line their pockets with...



Several Whispers here doing the rounds.   1/ News is about to break re’ the future funding of GKP. (This could have huge implications for stock holders)  Bearing in mind that many, many Private Investors have...

GKP RNS Alert triggered.

GKP RNS Alert triggered.

There is an Provisional RNS alert triggered on this stock at 15.43pm today. The next few days will be interesting. Daniel

GKP Update 18 Placing rumours

GKP Update 18 Placing rumours

Whisper  doing the rounds here that GKP are involved in ongoing discussions with Institutional holders. A  placing  is the most likely scenario given the recent SP decline. Investors need to hold their nerve and remember how...

GKP Update 17

GKP Update 17

News is doing the rounds here that Fox Davies are upping their target price SIGNIFICANTLY. The numbers being bandied about (depending on who you speak too) range from 225p/300p. The race to see which..., pub-7842875684800919, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
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