Global Petroleum.
Great news re’ the litigation. Global have now secured a six million dollar payment and are currently on the up by some 17%/18%. After the disastrous tower drill brokers are now taking a keen..., pub-7842875684800919, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
Incorporating the Infamous, "Libellous" Daniel Levi & the Famous BMD Financial Blog
Great news re’ the litigation. Global have now secured a six million dollar payment and are currently on the up by some 17%/18%. After the disastrous tower drill brokers are now taking a keen...
Spoken to many over the weekend regarding the static SP as of late. The recent placing coupled with the Etamic default and regional political difficulties are having a dampening down effect on the SP. Market sentiment...
I have been following Nautical for several years now and have been hugely disappointed by their performance particulary the share consolidation coupled with their general OVER cautious approach when dealing with their North sea...
Apologies from here for my absence. Road traffic accident last month at the elephant and castle has resulted in an enforced hospital stay. Broken right ankle (now pinned) right sided collar bone broken (collar and...
News from this side of the fence! The great SWINDLE at VERNALIS has continued afoot here! After a poor take up from PI’s the powers that be have been running an artifical spread of...
Am very busy here on behalf of the blogship re’ this stock. (Without wishing to influence holders bearing in mind the TRP cock up) I am currently gathering ALL news and am in the process...
Excellent news from JSG. As previously mentioned here the results now out confirm the recent post on the blog. Profit has more than doubled and the debt is below 68 million. The slow climb...
Just a quick reminder here to all the JSG holders that the prelim’s are out on the 9th March this month. It’s been a tough year for the company and judging by the recent...