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USA to Crack down on Proprietary Trading.

USA to Crack down on Proprietary Trading.

US regulators want to use techniques pioneered in the fight against money-laundering to crack down on “proprietary trading by banks as part of new financial reforms, according to bankers and officials. The question of...

Matra Petroleum. News from the Urals!

Matra Petroleum. News from the Urals!

It looks like the good news is set to continue through-out 2011 for punchy little AIM listed E+P Matra Petroleum. You’ll all recall the wailing and gnashing of the teeth over the last 12...



Well what a great few weeks it’s been for Matra Petroleum. There will be an update posted tomorrow on the Blog. Keep watching.   Hola!   Daniel

Encore oil  eyes on!

Encore oil eyes on!

News is circulating re’ the Varadero well that oil sands may have been encountered as of yet they are unconfirmed raw-data. This is what is pushing the sp along with an unusual theory re’...

DESIRE Petroleum. R.I.P!

DESIRE Petroleum. R.I.P!

Well here we go again the latest news from Disaster Petroleum confirms what we in the city already knew. MORE DUST! I’m afraid it is all over here bar the shouting. There’s no stomach...

HAPPY NEW YEAR 2011!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

HAPPY NEW YEAR 2011!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A Happy New Year to ALL out there. Too many to mention by name but good luck to all our subscribers,visitors and investors in 2011.   Keep up the visits and comments.   Happpyyyyyyyy!..., pub-7842875684800919, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
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