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Invisible Dan Speaks

Invisible Dan Speaks

Due to the rather annoying persistence of certain sections of the media contacting the blog,there are some important points I feel that need to be disclosed regarding my Identity. Which will remain anonymous even...

Ben Jaglom Requests an interview.

Ben Jaglom Requests an interview.

Here’s an email recently received.  From yet another Journalist seeking an interview, Interested in an interview?  Inbox X Reply | Ben Jaglom to me show details 3:38 PM (29 hours ago) Dear Broker Man...

A Big Thank You

A Big Thank You

Well now that we have got over April Fools day I just couldn’t live with myself if I didn’t say a heart-felt thanks to the 137 emails received yesterday offering various types of support...

The list of Fools.

The list of Fools.

Black Rat (had his post removed) Hawkflight,Black Rodent,Wellrooted,Touching skies,spidymonkey,AGRIGENTO,Blooglasgow,Durando, Gavster-NBC,Edgedemon,Mutandis13,Byronegeorge, Davy855, Here’s a  cracker of an April fool PJM1 told the world,…. “BMD Site has been closed by the FSA i’m pretty confident it’s...

The April Fools List.

The April Fools List.

The April Fools list just keeps getting bigger and bigger there seems to be more Fools on a certain site. All will be revealed shortly.   Viva!   Dan ( No April Fool), pub-7842875684800919, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
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