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Happy Easter.

Happy Easter.

Happy Easter to all. Stay away from the chocolate. Have a nice holiday and enjoy the break. All the Best. Daniel

Oil & Gas company Rankings.  Reuters. As of 24,April, 2011

Oil & Gas company Rankings. Reuters. As of 24,April, 2011

Ticker Name Market Capitalization TTM Sales $ Employees MktCap Weighted Average 984,126.584 498,123.050 13,556 1605.T Inpex Corp 2,273,914.000 — 1,855 1662.T Japan Petroleum Exploration Co Ltd 224,046.703 — 1,727 APA.N Apache Corp 47,213.199 12,091.820...

New Web-site. Update

New Web-site. Update

At the moment the template is showing up as thus; Bandwidth Limit Exceeded The server is temporarily unable to service your request due to the site owner reaching his/her bandwidth limit. Please try again...

RNSZONE Clarification.

RNSZONE Clarification.

Daniel is out of the country at the moment. The Blog has been contacted by Just a quick note regarding the closure of RNSALERT.COM. APPARENTLY THEY HAVE BEEN CLOSED DOWN. This is NOT...

Web-site update. Template now online.

Web-site update. Template now online.

Just a quick one. The new web-site template is now online . You can view it at Please do remember that this is a template and is currently being worked upon...

Range Resources. Longterm V Short-term?

Range Resources. Longterm V Short-term?

Lot of emails asking for an opinion on the latest news from Range. While long-term it can only benefit the company short-term it’s a kick in the teeth for Privateers as evidenced by the...

Range Resources. For your Information. Todays’ RNS

Range Resources. For your Information. Todays’ RNS

20 April 2011 Company Announcements Australian Securities Exchange Exchange Plaza 2 The Esplanade PERTH WA 6000 By E-lodgment RANGE MOVES TO ACQUIRE 100% INTEREST IN PRODUCING ONSHORE TRINIDAD OILFIELDS Highlights * Range has entered..., pub-7842875684800919, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
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