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Range resources. Further reading.

Range resources. Further reading.

Just a quick note for the genuine investors here. Forget the intra-day movements this is caused by day-trading. Focus on the news time-line that is the key here. Good news is in the pipe-line. ...

FTAlphaville. A Dictatorship in all but name!

FTAlphaville. A Dictatorship in all but name!

Breaking news from twitter. It seems that Alphamorons Neilanderthall and Leg Bryce Elder have been upset by AN eagle-eyed twitter user! Khy6, a respected private investor noticed that Neilanderthall and his crusty snide-kick Leg-Bryce...

Haike Chemical . Update

Haike Chemical . Update

Hasn’t it been a terrific few weeks for Haike chemical currently trading at 60p . You’ll all recall the Blog mutterings on this one several months back when we correctly formed an opinion that..., pub-7842875684800919, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
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