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The new web-site is close to completion.

The new web-site is close to completion.

“Can you please take time to answer this poll. The new site is close to completion and I’m trying to get a general view as to the numbers vis-a-vis subscription. There will be an...

Rockhopper. More oil. Matra. Another problem.

Rockhopper. More oil. Matra. Another problem.

Rockhopper.There you go chalk another one up for the Blog! The well has been highly successful, proving a very thick, high quality reservoir package and a substantial oil column. The geological prognosis once again...

Rns alert Niche Group.  Eyes on here.

Rns alert Niche Group. Eyes on here.

Just a quick one here we have written about Niche some time back. There is a rumour that an RNS will be released tomorrow. Our sources think it’s a drilling update. Could be Turkey....

Rockhopper Exploration. News coming through.

Rockhopper Exploration. News coming through.

I’m gathering unconfirmed market whispers here  that it is looking likely that the 14/10-5 appraisal well located just north of the Sea Lion 14/10-2 discovery well and 13 metres updip at top reservoir level....

Range Resources. Further reading.

Range Resources. Further reading.

At present I am trying to source some much-needed independent analysis on Range Resources from several of our contacts. I’ll keep subscribers posted as and when we get the news. Well done to all...

Winners. Champions league final score.

Winners. Champions league final score.

Here are the winning entries in order of timed post. The actual very first email received From Simon Niven was correct however Simon works for Xcap securities so it’s hard cheese there! But well...

China. Interesting read.

China. Interesting read.

(Reuters) – Confronting a huge and growing power crisis, China faces a painful choice: either allow a summer of blackouts or swallow a dose of inflation. The shortage, which has brought electricity cuts for..., pub-7842875684800919, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
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