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Message from BMD.

Message from BMD.

I’ve had a lot of complaints that the new lighter theme used has been causing problems when visitors have clicked on the Links, Widgets and Ads featured on the Blog. The Ad revenue has...

Haike Chemical; Multi-Bagged by this Blog!

Haike Chemical; Multi-Bagged by this Blog!

Well it’s been a fantastic 6 months for Haike Chemical. Mentioned and tipped by the blog for Privateers to research and watch-list when they were 29pish. Revenues have more than doubled since H1 2010...

Strategic Natural Resources.

Strategic Natural Resources.

Keep your eyes on the above company this week. I will be posting on them tomorrow. Lot of interest/rumour gaining ground in the company of possible good news this week. Dan

Charity Shield Winner. Two tickets and £50.

Charity Shield Winner. Two tickets and £50.

We’ve had over 400 email responses to the competition. Sadly the vast majority failed to read the question correctly. And yes it was a double trick question. The answer was of course that NO...

Norway.  A Nation Mourns.

Norway. A Nation Mourns.

It’s a very sad day for the people of Norway. The country that hosts the Noble peace prize. How Ironic. Yet again another right wing extremist, religious, sanctimonious, twisted loonertick has murdered scores of..., pub-7842875684800919, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
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