, pub-7842875684800919, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Category: General

Thursday Newspaper round up.

Nicolas Sarkozy has promised to hold a referendum on Europe’s fiscal pact, dealing a hammer-blow to Angela Merkel’s “non-negotiable” plans to impose austerity on the Eurozone. The French president, who is struggling in his...

Matra Petroleum. The sky is the limit.

Members Only Post. Not for general release. Well it’s been  an absolutely fantastic ride so far for holders of Matra petroleum. For those who have stuck through the bad times and managed their holdings...

Tuesday Newspaper round up.

Standard & Poor’s has put a “negative watch” on Argentina’s credit rating, citing “rising restrictions to international trade” and “steps to nationalise oil company YPF” as reasons for the move. Despite affirming its “B”...

Matra Petroleum. 5p on the way?

Matra Petroleum. 5p on the way?

Members Only Post. Not for general release.   It’s been a fantastic few weeks for Matra Petroleum holders. The news that Matra had after a long chase finally secured the involvement of one of...

Monday Newspaper round up.

Monday Newspaper round up.

The Dutch prime minister will on Monday launch a bid to salvage his austerity budget amid political chaos that could cost the country its AAA credit rating and plunge Europe’s debt rescue plans into...

The Smallcap Oil & Gas round up.

Afren; Struck oil this week at their high impact Simrit-2 exploration well, located on the Ain Sifni PSC in the Kurdistan region of Iraq. Afren announced a significant oil accumulation based on the results...

Friday Newspaper round up.

The Daily Telegraph. Barclays has attempted to head off a shareholder revolt over the £17.7m package awarded to its chief executive, Bob Diamond, by offering to amend the terms of his annual bonus. On..., pub-7842875684800919, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
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