, pub-7842875684800919, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Category: General

The Smallcap Oil & Gas round up.

It’s been another terrible week for the small cap oilers. As fear continues to grip the markets. Just when will Greece exit? That is the question. Could Spain, Portugal & Italy follow? That’s another...

Friday Newspaper round up.

Xstrata chief Mick Davis is in line for a potential 75m pound payout as head of the company created from the miner’s proposed merger with commodity giant Glencore. The payout includes a 28.8m pounds...

Thursday Newspaper round up.

Ireland’s government is confident of victory in Thursday’s eurozone fiscal pact referendum as secret official polling forecasts that over 60 per cent of Irish voters will tick the Yes box. Polling stations will close...

Wednesday Newspaper round up.

The Mail. The head of the International Monetary Fund enjoys a tax-free income of £350,000, it emerged yesterday – days after she attacked Greeks for failing to pay their taxes. Christine Lagarde provoked a...

Matra Petroleum Maxim Barskiy

Can any serious investor afford to ignore Matra Petroleum? It looks & feels like there’s an almighty power struggle going on in Russia with Matra Petroleum’s heir apparent, Maxim Barskiy,  sat right in the middle...

Tuesday Newspaper round up

Spanish stocks plunged to a nine-year-low and its borrowing costs rose as traders refused to believe Mariano Rajoy’s claim that Madrid could salvage its banks without a bail-out. At a press conference designed to...

Monday Newspaper round up.

The country’s beleaguered high street will not recover for another three years and will underperform for the rest of the decade, according to leading economic commentators. Retailers will have to weather a “tough trading..., pub-7842875684800919, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
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