, pub-7842875684800919, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Category: General

Friday Newspaper round up.

Dividing News Corporation into two companies will not result in a fresh bid for BSkyB because the company has “moved on”, Rupert Murdoch said yesterday. The News Corp chairman and chief executive said that...

Thursday Newspaper round up

Pleas from Spain and Italy for urgent financial aid from the Eurozone to bring down borrowing costs were dismissed by Angela Merkel as divisions hardened on the eve of a critical summit. Germany’s Chancellor...

Wednesday Newspaper round up.

Wednesday Newspaper round up.

BP’s safety record is under the spotlight again after a worker was killed and two were injured in an explosion at a gas pipeline facility in Colorado. The oil giant said that it would...

Tuesday Newspaper round up.

David Cameron has been warned by one of the country’s leading bankers that the biggest threat to the City is the possibility of Britain leaving the European Union. Peter Sands, the chief executive of...

Monday Newspaper round up.

Tax loopholes uncovered by The Times will be investigated by Parliament, the chairman of the powerful House of Commons Public Accounts Committee will reveal today. Abuses uncovered by a series of articles looking into...

The Smallcap Oil & Gas round up.

It’s been another bad week in the Smallcaps Oil & Gas sector. Monday began with hope as the Greeks voted pro Euro but the week just went downhill as rumblings of Spanish, Portuguese & Italian...

Friday Newspaper round up.

Britain’s high street lenders last night had their credit ratings cut by Moody’s, the ratings agency, as part of a major worldwide downgrade of bank ratings. The review was announced months ago, meaning any..., pub-7842875684800919, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
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