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Category: General

Thursday Newspaper round up

The corporate governance crisis at Stobart deepened last night with the resignation of its senior City broker, The Times writes. The paper says that Investec walking away from the transport and logistics firm a...

Wednesday Newspaper round up.

According to The Independent, around 700 jobs are at risk at supermarket group Morrisons after the firm launched an automated cash-handling technology in back offices in an effort to improve competitiveness. The group has...

Sefton Resources. Water Load of Rubbish!

As you all know Sefton Resources and myself along with the hugely respected City of London Financial Journalist/Blogger Tom Winnifrith are in a fight to the death over claims of Libel. I can’t go into detail. I...

Tuesday Newspaper round up.

Chinese inflation slowed sharply in March on the back of falling food prices following the New Year holiday and as the People’s Bank of China drained money from the economy, says Financial Times. Consumer...

Monday Newspaper Round Up

  “The Eurozone crisis threatens to flare up again this week after Portugal’s constitutional court blocked the country’s planned austerity programme”, says The Telegraph. The country’s Prime Minister said yesterday that the rejection poses..., pub-7842875684800919, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
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