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Category: General

Wednesday Newspaper round up.

The proposed deal to sell more than 600 Lloyds branches to the Co-op have collapsed after the latter said it could not proceed with the transaction, according to the Financial Times. “The cancellation of...

Tuesday Newspaper round up.

According to The Independent, High Street rivals Sports Direct and JD Sports Fashion thought to be considering bids for Manchester-based Americana, the owner of the Bench clothing brand. Offers could come in at up...

Monday Newspaper round up.

Glencore has made millions of pounds by selling goods to Iran, including to a group that indirectly supplies the country’s nuclear programme, reports The Guardian. However, the commodities trader has said that it ceased...

Sefton Resources. EnviroMENTALS!

I was going through some of our evidence today and thought I’d release an article on what is a crucial point on the fraud that is Sefton Resources. The point is WATER. Never mind...

The Smallcap Oil & Gas round up.

It’s been a tough write up today for myself. Lots of distracting telephone calls from Trinidad and Oklahoma. Not to mention the emails, OH God no the emails! Piling up yet again! Got to...

Friday Newspaper round up.

One of the biggest corporate deals in history edged closer yesterday after Verizon said that it was ‘extremely confident’ it could buy Vodafone’s stake in North America’s largest mobile network without triggering a huge...

Leni Gas & Oil. Production charge?

Members Only Post. NOT For General Release   At long last, and about time too, could it all be about to change for the better for Leni Gas & Oil? (LON: LGO) Do the coming months...

Thursday Newspaper round up.

Supermarket giant Sainsbury’s is looking to sell its London headquarters and has told 150 head-office staff that they will be relocated to Coventry and Manchester, reports The Independent. The group has also said it..., pub-7842875684800919, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
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