, pub-7842875684800919, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Category: General

The Smallcap Oil & Gas round up.

A quiet week in the Smallcaps underverse. Don’t forget to sign the Government e-petition for an investigation into the Sefton Resources Fraud Click HERE to read it. Bankers Petroleum (LON: BNK) The tiddler BNK announced...

Sefton Resources. Pathological Liars!

For a company that announced on 13 June 2013 “Following the announcement of the California oil production for June 2013 in mid-July, the Company will be reporting production data on a quarterly basis for...

Sefton Resources #Fraud #Fraud #Fraud

It’s all unravelling for Jim Ellerton the proven liar & fraudster. Just what in the name of God is going on at Sefton Resources? You’ll all know that myself and the hugely respected City of...

Sefton Resources Are they solvent?

Sefton Resources Are they solvent?

I have sought an undertaking from Allenby Capital that Sefton Resources were not trading while insolvent. Mr Harriss has failed to give that undertaking in reply to my enquiry regarding Sefton’s solvency. The letter...

The Smallcap Oil & Gas round up.   The “Fire Sale” continues apace at Ascent Resources (LON: AST) Ascent have “disposed” (FLOGGED to pay the bills) of its full interest in the Netherlands Exploration Licences Terschelling-Noord and M10a & M11...

The Smallcap Oil & Gas round up.

  A quiet week in the Smallcaps Oil & Gas Underverse.   Cairn Energy (LON: CNE) Has entered into a farm down agreement with ConocoPhillips for three contiguous blocks located offshore Senegal, West Africa...., pub-7842875684800919, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
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