, pub-7842875684800919, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Category: General

The Smallcap Oil & Gas Round Up.

Cadogan Petroleum (LON: CAD) The Interim Management Statement for the period from 1 January 2014 to 19 May 2014 can be read by clicking HERE Circle Oil (LON: COP) Updated on their Moroccan Sebou...

Sound Oil. (LON: SOU) Italiano Sauces.

As you all know we don’t do things the usual way on here. No Siree! We like a company, we target that company, then we research it till we drop. Sound Oil (LON: SOU) may be...

The Smallcap Oil & Gas Round Up.

A busy, busy week in the Smallcap Oil world. Plenty to bemoan about. Enjoy it!   Antrim Energy (LON: AEY) Released a tome! Their Interim financial report – first quarter 2014 Click HERE to...

Wessex Exploration. Retail Investor Wipe-Out!

  Yesterday’s Extraordinary General Meeting was a bad day for retail investors. But a good day for private investor activism. The beleaguered failed Board held on to their overpaid director fees and expense accounts...

Wessex Exploration. VOTE MILROY CAPITAL IN!

The bumbling, fumbling over at Wessex Exploration continues as the share -price tanked yet again today as it did on an RNS release yesterday revealing the “Heads of Agreement relating to its proposed acquisition of Hague and London...

The Smallcap Oil & Gas Round Up!

Amerisur Resources (LON: AMER) Reported an update on the Platanillo Exploration and Production contract in Colombia. Amerisur has been notified that the Agencia Nacional de Hidrocarburos, the governing body of hydrocarbon exploration and production..., pub-7842875684800919, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
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