, pub-7842875684800919, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Category: General

The Smallcap Oil & Gas round up.

Back again.  Tough to get this written up! Always struggle to get this out on time! Chariot Oil & Gas (LON: CHAR) Said this week that its wholly owned subsidiary, Chariot Brasil Petróleo e...

NTOG, SOU, UKOG & LGO News coming.

Just a quick update.   Now that I am back from my holiday etc. I will be furnishing news, views and information on 4 of the companies that we here on the UK’s libellous blog...

Quindell PLC. Where are the writs?

Rob Terry of Quindell (LON: QPP) is openly being accused of fraud and running a Ponzi style company these allegations are all over the internet on various financial websites as well as social media...

In Defence of Tom Winnifrith.

In Defence of Tom Winnifrith. There are times when one has to speak up for those trying to shed light on the cess-pit that is AIM. That time has arrived. I’ve witnessed first hand,...

Leni Gas & Oil. Twitchers!

A lot of nonsense being written on Leni Gas & Oil over the last 4 weeks. Twitchers a plenty. So here’s the definitive story. It’s game on for Lenigas & Oil share-holders. Those like myself...

The Smallcap Oil & Gas Round up.

Lot of angst among UK Retail Investors this week over placings. When will these CEO’s learn to manage these highly dilutive events with integrity? Sneaking around the City of London with their finger against..., pub-7842875684800919, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
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