ADVFN’s Jekyll & Hyde Launched Today! Sign Up!
Today’s the launch of Jekyll & Hyde. Two New Tips Today! Yes it’s a paid Newsletter or as COMMONLY KNOWN A Tip Sheet…. What makes it different? This is what ADVFN say; “In this..., pub-7842875684800919, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
Incorporating the Infamous, "Libellous" Daniel Levi & the Famous BMD Financial Blog
Today’s the launch of Jekyll & Hyde. Two New Tips Today! Yes it’s a paid Newsletter or as COMMONLY KNOWN A Tip Sheet…. What makes it different? This is what ADVFN say; “In this...
Investors of London listed SDX Energy (LON: SDX) Maybe in for a major kick in the ‘goolies’. Whispers are reaching BMD that there’s a major book build either underway or about to start. I’ve been...
It’s a long convoluted process trying to get credible information on target companies such as Ascent Resources (LON: AST). The process involves a myriad of avenues one has to go down, some lead you into a...
About time I started releasing some of the footage and photo’s taken from my Sound Energy (LON: SOU) trip. I’ve got literally hours of footage. This is the gas flare at TE7. AS CLOSE...
Ascent Resources (LON: AST) as most genuine objective investors/traders know we here do not constantly pump out utter shite on an hourly basis. We watch, listen, research and get to know what is going...
It’s been a long time in the planning and it’s cost a few bob, but when a private group of investor friends are looking to take a substantial position (substantial for us) in a...
Congratulations to the self confessed Drug Dealer Ben(t) Turney, Gary Bullivant and the idiots who supported them. They are directly responsible for the loss of the New World Oil & Gas (LON: NEW) AIM listing. Which...
The clock is ticking on New World Oil & Gas (LON: NEW). Investors and holders of the stock will be all too aware of the travesty that has unfolded since the ill-fated short squeeze...