Charity Shield Winner. Two tickets and £50.
We’ve had over 400 email responses to the competition. Sadly the vast majority failed to read the question correctly. And yes it was a double trick question. The answer was of course that NO..., pub-7842875684800919, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
Incorporating the Infamous, "Libellous" Daniel Levi & the Famous BMD Financial Blog
We’ve had over 400 email responses to the competition. Sadly the vast majority failed to read the question correctly. And yes it was a double trick question. The answer was of course that NO...
It’s a very sad day for the people of Norway. The country that hosts the Noble peace prize. How Ironic. Yet again another right wing extremist, religious, sanctimonious, twisted loonertick has murdered scores of...
A trip to Wembley yet again! Yes as you all know we periodically get some freebies for the big footy matches. There are two Adult tickets for the Charity Shield Match (played on the...
Ascent Resources; Informed the market that they have placed a number of convertible loan notes with existing Italian creditors to raise €552,525 with an option to issue a further €70,000 of convertible loan notes...
I must say that It’s been a very busy few days here on the BMD Blog the response to the Matra news regarding limited production on A12 has been fantastic (purely from a stats...
It’s been a fantastic day here for traffic with over 41,000 hits so far. It seems that the Matra Petroleum controversy over the water problem has actually driven many to the site this is...
I’ve just spoken to the company at great length and passed on the thoughts (those that are printable) of some of the genuine investors. There’s no doubt that it’s been a bad day for...
I’ve just spoken to the company and gave them a verbal onslaught which was in all honesty taken very well, will formulate an article asap. Stay tuned for the definitive post! It’s looking much...