Rockhopper Exploration. Update
Some news coming through on RKH. Update on the way Viva! Dan Come on get the stats up please., pub-7842875684800919, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
Incorporating the Infamous, "Libellous" Daniel Levi & the Famous BMD Financial Blog
Some news coming through on RKH. Update on the way Viva! Dan Come on get the stats up please.
Hundreds of emails over the last week the general theme running through them is fear. The biggest single factor effecting the market is the global economic uncertainty in Europe and the USA. Italy and...
I’ve been given a nudge here by a respected City Analyst to take a good look at this company as a mid-term investment. Now I don’t usually rush in as it takes a good...
Just a quick note for the followers of the Blog that I’ll be posting on the above company tomorrow. I’ve had a good look around and will be speaking to the company tomorrow. It’s...
Some good news here today with the long-awaited Verde spud which I’m reliably informed began over the weekend. It’s another one that needs to be remembered here that the oil is actually already there....
It’s looking ever likely that the fraccing operation is at the very least about to start. The rumour in the city is that fraccing may have begun over the weekend. The rise in the...
It’s been a tough few months for holders of Matra stock the feisty little oiler is as most know struggling to stop the water influx on A12. The Admin email has been flooded and...
There’ll be an important update on the way shortly. PH is as we speak on site. Viva! Daniel