, pub-7842875684800919, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Category: General

BIOME 1 for the Day-traders!

BIOME 1 for the Day-traders!

Yes as promised take a good luck at this company. Potential here for a spike. Biome are a Bio-plastics company that used to trade under the name of Stanelco. A few years ago they...

Gains where to look?

Gains where to look?

I’m going through the emails that have backed up over the last 10 days or so the main theme running through them is where can investors/traders expect gains from bearing in mind the current...

Back in the UK!

Back in the UK!

Yes “there’s no place like home” as Dorothy used to say. Bad news yet again on the Global economic front has over the last month or so pushed investors to the brink of madness....

THE GREAT bmd MONEY Give-away update.

THE GREAT bmd MONEY Give-away update.

While I’m here I might as well update the Blog on this months total ad money give-away which currently stands @ 571 pounds & 71pence! Don’t forget to enter you need to be registered...



It’s been a fantastic 10 days or so for holders of Rockhopper, tipped by the Blog when all around the super information highway were crumbling! We told investors that the stock was trading wholly..., pub-7842875684800919, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
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