The Great BMD Adsense revenue give-away is nearly upon us! The results will be announced on the 1st of September. To be in with a chance of winning you need to be subscribed to..., pub-7842875684800919, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
Incorporating the Infamous, "Libellous" Daniel Levi & the Famous BMD Financial Blog
The Great BMD Adsense revenue give-away is nearly upon us! The results will be announced on the 1st of September. To be in with a chance of winning you need to be subscribed to...
It’s here again doesn’t the week fly by. The weekly BMD oil & Gas round-up. It’s becoming quite successful with last weeks round-up attracting over 6,000 direct hits! Aminex; Updated the market on Nyuni-2...
I’ve had a lot of emails and comments on the Blog for an update on Max Petroleum. Lots of queries from investors who can’t understand why an oiler that has announced some excellent drilling...
The total prize money in the Great BMD Free Money give-away raised by the site now stands at £1021.37p (as of this morning!) I’m hoping for a total in excess of £1500 which equates...
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Just a quick one lot of interest in the comments and emails for an update here. There’ll be an update on Max Petroleum tomorrow. Viva! Dan
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Here’s the week ahead in terms of Regulatory announcements, Dividends,Interims,Results. Monday August 22 INTERIMS Amlin, Capital Drilling Ltd. (DI), Essar Energy , Petrofac Ltd. QUARTERLY PAYMENT DATE OJSC Magnit GDR (Reg S) ANNUAL REPORT...