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Category: General

Wednesday Newspaper round up

It’s Budget day today. Let’s see what the ChancerLiar can pull out of his hat for the great unwashed. Maybe we will all get a 10% reduction in tax such as that about to...

Tuesday Newspaper round up.

The Guardian The government last night claimed that the rich will pay twice as much as they win back through the abolition of the 50p rate of income tax, as a Guardian poll showed...

Monday Newspaper round up

BrokermanDaniel It’s good bye to the 50p top rate of income tax which will be scrapped next year under plans to be unveiled in this week’s Budget. George Osborne, the Chance(or)llor, will tell us all that the...



As part of the evolution of the site we are looking into adding financial news feeds for the Members & visitors. The cost will come from site generated revenues. The actual amount to be spent...

Saturday Newspaper round up

The Mail George Osborne will announce plans to freeze pay for public sector workers living in the poorest parts of Britain, in his budget next week. Millions could have their salaries frozen for years...

The Smallcap Oil & Gas round up

It’s the smallcap round-up. It’s becoming quite a feature. Highs & lows this week came from Lansdowne, Serica, Oilex, Petrel, Range, while Sefton retraced Madagascar dipped & Matra where stuck in RNS limbo! Bayfield Energy; Reported...

Friday Newspaper round up (Headlines)

THE TIMES Britain & US seek deal to reduce the price of fuel George Osborne is considering cutting the top rate of tax to 45p or getting rid of it British chief paid price of...

Thursday Newspaper round up

The Mail Says that “Radical action” is needed to contain the world’s sprawling £30tn ‘shadow banking’ industry and prevent another financial crisis, the City watchdog said last night. Lord Turner, chairman of the Financial..., pub-7842875684800919, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
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