, pub-7842875684800919, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Author: Dan Levi

ENCORE OIL. The news IS IN! Hold

ENCORE OIL. The news IS IN! Hold

There seems to be some doubt as to when the news that is known to be in will be released. It is the Operator in this case Sterling  and their Nomad who will dictate...

Petrolatina. The Blame Game.

Petrolatina. The Blame Game.

An awful lot of emails and blog comments on PELE at the moment asking for opinion on the above. Some emails/ blog comments blaming posters for ramping. I’ve gone through as much as I...

Matra Petroleum.  Update. Production news due?

Matra Petroleum. Update. Production news due?

The case for Matra Petroleum has been stated several times on the Blog. The recent company update was indeed welcome news. The problems facing this much maligned company by the hoards of disgruntled share-holders...



Yes you’ll all now know that the official news on the spud has been released. As foretold here on the blog! It is now “game on” here. The official time span for the drill...

Premier Foods. New Improved Hovis Bread!

Premier Foods. New Improved Hovis Bread!

Yes I can now exclusively reveal to the Blogosphere that Premier foods are launching a new improved Hovis loaf. The Blog has pulled out ALL the stops to give you this world exclusive! After...

XCITE Energy. POINTERS!!!!!!

XCITE Energy. POINTERS!!!!!!

I have been watching Xcite for a few months now since they were 80p.  Researching as much information as i can while trying to evaluate where this company are headed.. There seems to be...

Encore/Nautical. Catcher

Encore/Nautical. Catcher

“The Transocean Galaxy II heavy-duty jack-up rig is expected to return to the Catcher area later this week to drill up to four exploration and appraisal wells.  The first well in the programme is..., pub-7842875684800919, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
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