, pub-7842875684800919, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Author: Dan Levi

Matra. I predict a Riot!

Matra. I predict a Riot!

It’s looking very good here re’ the A12. You’ll all recall that we here have consistently urged investors to hold their stock since Matra where trading at 1.45p; yes unbelievable isn’t it? The share...

Caza Oilex & Cadogan. Eyes on.

Caza Oilex & Cadogan. Eyes on.

I’m away tomorrow on a course so I’ve written this up for a 10am release. This is a big month for the above 3 companies so keep your eyes on and your watch-list alerts...

Caza Oil & Gas. Just hold!

Caza Oil & Gas. Just hold!

The email tray is quickly filling up re’ Caza. If you are a Caza Holder then just hold your stock. The sp will rise on expectation as the drill results come closer to fruition....

Caza Oil & Gas. Will the sp double?

Caza Oil & Gas. Will the sp double?

Yes it’s make or break time for holders of Caza oil and gas! The next 30 days could see a doubling of the current SP . Yes that’s a 100% increase from where they...

Encore Oil..  Catcher North More oil hit?

Encore Oil.. Catcher North More oil hit?

Just a quick one here there’s a definite buzz around the market this morning carrying on from yesterday. Unconfirmed rumours of further oil shows at the drill which is thought to be ahead of...

MATRA . A Glaring BUY!

MATRA . A Glaring BUY!

There’s no pleasing some folk! Matras’ latest epistle (foretold here) landed this morning confirming what we here generally predicted last week. The A13 problems have been RESOLVED yes that’s great news and the share-price..., pub-7842875684800919, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
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