Vivienne Cassley Plus Markets. Exclusive!
Over the last six months or so I’ve had hundreds of emails asking about Plus Markets listed companys. So not being one to let the grass grow under ones feet I contacted Vivienne Cassley..., pub-7842875684800919, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
Incorporating the Infamous, "Libellous" Daniel Levi & the Famous BMD Financial Blog
Over the last six months or so I’ve had hundreds of emails asking about Plus Markets listed companys. So not being one to let the grass grow under ones feet I contacted Vivienne Cassley...
Welcome to the sick world of Bury Grammar school educated Christopher Holden the 38-year-old North of England based Multi-Millionaire professional Trader who has over a considerable period of time posted disgraceful, abusive comments & sent abusive emails using...
Just a quick update here on this despicable character. We’ve just received an email from his solicitor threatening an injunction to stop the Blog from publishing his details. We’ve emailed them our response and...
Tune in over the next few days when WE WILL BE PUBLISHING THE DETAILS OF A MULTI-MILLIONAIRE ONLINE NUTCASE FROM BURY (that’s near Manchester) who has been bombarding the blog for over 12 months with disgraceful...
There’s an outside possibilty that news could be on the way for holders of Sound Oil this week as Private Investors await the outcome of the Cataka-1 exploration well which commenced drilling on 31...
Make sure you check out this evenings Fox Davies end of day round-up. We’ve a rumour circulating that Jubilee may get a mention. They’re a decent out-fit Fox Davies & have a very respectable team....
There’s an RNS Alert on this stock with most Brokerages in the City of London. Can’t tell you exactly when it’s going to come. Most think that it’s Wednesday, however it could come at...
It’s good news for holders of Rockhopper Exploration today as press reports begin to surface that there’s the possibilty of a full Takeover from one of the many companys sniffing around. The latest one in...