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The ‘Natives’ (Shareholders) of the much maligned ADVFN are getting restless. So restless that they reached out to me last Friday 22/11/2024. That approach resulted in several Telegram group chat’s and a video meeting.

The Tele’ group has over 40 members/shareholders who stated that they’re in contact with other small time holders and have got hold of damning information of malfeasance within ADVFN. Which I took with a pinch of salt.

One groups ‘damning information’ usually ends up being no more than wishful thinking, as in this case claimed exorbitant Director expenses. That’s not going to fly. It was a very interesting weekend, quite funny in many ways not least that they asked me to help, formalise and draft a Requisition, ‘You know the ropes Dan on how to get the job done’. Even offered a ‘fee’ and a position within the company ‘Head of RestructurIng’ LOL!

Their lead man/woman, whose identity and holding I have confirmed via the actual ShareHolder Register they provided, (No mean feat in itself to get hold of) came across as a decent individual. I did give them one tip. Don’t organise on ADVFN chat BBs and for fucks sake never name your source on the ‘inside’. Loose lips sink ships. Fortunately that dies with me. Lesson learnt.

Today’s 5% drop in the SP will no doubt add fuel and more members to the Action Groups cause. But is that ’cause’ a lost cause?

I can vouch that the Group certainly has enough stock to call a Requisition, but that’s far short of ADVFNS’ Executive, family & no doubt ‘friends’ holdings of at least 30%, so it’s an upward struggle, but there are, this is key, other ‘Malcontents’ and just over 28% of stock ‘not in public hands’. So theoretically there’s 6o% ish of votes out there. That would need a huge concerted push of a ‘clandestine nature’ to reach out and pitch your ‘Antidote’ to the current ‘Malaise’ engulfing the company and it’s share price. They certainly have the stomach for it. However traipsing round the City of London, and beyond, pressing the flesh campaigning for votes is time consuming.

I’ll be meeting them in person next week in the City of Mammon…


Stay tuned…




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7 Responses

  1. ECR Holder says:

    Dan, ECR Minerals need a bloody Requisition.

    I’d get involved too

  2. putinaire says:

    BMD, I was approached to help out the guys. Don’t have the time. I wish them well. Any info or blogs coming on Union Jack Dan?

    Another company that’s killing me.

    Have a good one Mucker


    • Dan Levi says:

      There maybe something in the pipeline. Can’t promise, as sometimes things don’t pass muster.


  3. Cockney Sparrow says:

    It’s basically the Titanic. They’ve hit an iceberg drifting along into everything in its path.

    Had some great times on the site. I set up the Rockhopper thread back in the day, 2010.

    The L2 was phenomenal, really cost effective, price wise good value. I still use it but not as much these days, it’s kind of like a dead calm eye of the storm.

  4. Gekko says:

    Certainly Aadvfn needs a reboot. What the hell’s going on? Not the platform of yesteryear that’s for sure.

  5. MGT says:

    Hi Dan,

    I did hear a rumbling of this several weeks ago.

    I’m a shareholder in ADVFN , hold 98,000 in 2 trading accounts, bought @ 47p could you connect me to the Action group.

    I am significantly under water.

    Might as well throw my hat into the ring.

    I do know other guys that would come in.



  6. Dan Levi says:

    Will pass your email on.

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