, pub-7842875684800919, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Mr Hydes Tip: Union Jack Oil-Company Maker Nailed On?

(1st posted on ADVFN Jekyll & Hyde Tip sheet)

There’s not much out there at the moment, in the market sectors that I trade/invest in. I’m currently sat on large blocks of two companies, Andalas Energy (LSE:ADL) (3%) & Online Blockchain (LSE:OBC) (2%), waiting for the news that will propel them to greatness… However, Investors/traders will know that I always make a nuisance of myself, by doing so I can occasionally get where water couldn’t.

Union Jack Oil
All to play for…….

Which brings me on nicely to probably one of the hottest trades currently doing the rounds on financial social media. I’ve kept my powder dry on Union Jack Oil (LSE:UJO) for quite some time. I could have bought in at 0.10p but me being me, other business opportunities in the land and housing market has meant that finances have had to be redirected into less risky ‘bread and butter’ cash building schemes. It’s part of my ’Diversify and Derisk’strategy, which has served me well over the years.

Yesterday I finally managed to cobble together £20,000, which I immediately sunk into Union Jack Oil. There’s a logical reason for that which has been backed up with research that landed my way yesterday. I totally ignore and pay no attention whatsoever to the various Pump & Dump crews who operate on social media. Reading the absolute bollox that periodically comes my way via email, phone calls and social media comment, always draws a shake of the head and a block. For example, one P&D crew are ‘proselytizing’ that a hole that wasn’t correctly plugged has leaked all the gas away, another Jackanory doing the rounds is that rain/water has flooded the drill. Total horseshit. Never waste brain cells on these shysters. Better to stare at a wall, and more fulfilling….

Union Jack Oil

The logical reason is thus: UJO are partnered up with the West Newton drill (circa 17%) operated by Raithlin Energy. West Newton isn’t an exploration well, 186 billion cubic feet of gas has already been historically discovered, the drill is also evaluating an expectation that oil is further down in the target zone: ergo, If Raithlin can’t find gas that has already been found then their operators license should be revoked. That’s the logic behind my investment.

Now here’s the ‘research’: the West Newton site and surrounding areas/roads have been placed on total lock down. All roads and paths have been officially closed by the council. I’m hearing from sources that this has been done to prevent the protestors from protesting the site when the news lands. That would suggest to me that it’s good news. If it was a failure, protestors wouldn’t bother protesting. Further research coming from good contacts indicates that Raithlin are drilling right through the gas target into the prospective oil zone. The whisper is that gas and an extended oil column have been discovered. This for me is a binary play. The upside on stand-alone gas to surface is a company maker. Add in oil and the SP has the potential to hit 1p. That’s why I’m now in! Barring a mechanical disaster or an ‘Act of God’ I have convinced myself (rightly or wrongly) that a major gas/oil discovery will be announced. Hence my £20,000 punt.

As ever, caveat emptor.

Mr Hyde….

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4 Responses

  1. Mr Big says:

    sounds like a giant oil discovery well hit my source agrees bigger than ukog in 2015

    • Milej says:

      It’s gas. The oil is the cherry, the gas is the cake. Concentrate on the gas discovery, if it comes in.

  2. Someuwin says:

    Great piece BMD. We should plough our own farrow, make our own choices. Especially the message I take from this: Do your own thing & ignore the troglodytes. Caveat Emptor indeedy do!, pub-7842875684800919, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
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