It stinks and it stinks to high heaven. Nostra Terra Oil & Gas (LON: NTOG) released a holdings RNS (TR1) yesterday from Eridge Capital. Mug punters will know that Eridge is what’s left of the New World Oil & Gas fiasco that went down in flames via massive stock market manipulation. Once again, the ramping and manipulation has well and truly started at Nostra. Lofgran is over-seeing a massive fraud and is involved. He’s up to his ‘Mormon’ neck in it! And we all know who the P&D crew behind it are.
Yesterday Nostra released a TR1 stating that Eridge Capital held 4.43%. That TR1 was a blatant lie. In actual fact Eridge’s holding was 3.34% (6,523,000). Today we get another NTOG Eridge TR1 stating that their holding has gone up from 4.43% to 4.98% (9,731,333). Again that is a lie. The RNS from yesterday was bogus ergo today’s TR1 is bogus. the Eridge Holding has not gone up from 4.43%. The numbers do not add up. Yesterdays TR1 contained material inaccuracies as to the true size of Eridges holding. Todays TR1 also contains material inaccuracies as to their present position.
As you all know I’ve exposed this company more times than I can remember. But now questions need to be answered by their Shorting CEO Lofgran and their Nomad Strand Hanson.
Fraudulent TR1s
1/ Who wrote and lodged yesterdays Eridge TR1?
2/ Who wrote and lodged today’s Eridge TR1?
3/ Is the person connected, in any way shape or form, to Nostra?
4/ Has this person received cash payments past, present or future from NTOG
5/ Why did their Nomad sign off both TR1s containing material inaccuracies?
The stock market rules on TR1s are crystal clear. You only disclose an increase or decrease in your holding when you go through each percentile point. That is to say 3% to 4% to 5% etc. You do not release a TR1 in the bits in-between. It’s designed to specifically stop market abuse (Bogus TR1s are an attempt at stock market manipulation). Now I’ve spoken to Strand Hanson (Nomad) today. So I expect that some where along the line they will get back to me or YOU with clarification of ALL of the above.
Barge-Pole Nostra, it’s a calamity waiting to get thrown off the AIM.

Rotten CEO, rotten rampers, rotten {picked clean to the bone} worthless licences and rotten company!
That’s the totality of the Nostra Terra scam in a nutshell.
The muppets never learn mate. There’s no investor with a brain cell that would put their brass into this dog.
It’s a rampers den . Filled with low life traders telling each other lies as they race to the exit.
Last ones out get left holding a bag of shite