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UKOG, LordLieALot (Lenigas) & Angus Energy, Game Over…..

It was only ever going to be a victory for ‘Yours Truly’ on the whole Horse Hill, Weald Basin “Billions I tell Ya Billions of Barrels of Oil”  ramptastic David Lenigas claims. I take great delight in seeing the last fig leaf blown away in such a dramatic fashion late yesterday via the disastrous UKOG RNS. Confirmation if ever it was needed that the oil locked in Kimmeridge clay doesn’t flow naturally to surface it has to be fracced and on a frac only 1%/2% is recoverable, which is why every single major oil company has stayed well away from it.

For those in the know, who took the time to thoroughly research these wild, ridiculous claims and the history of shysters such as David Anthony Lenigas and his cohorts at Optiva/Jermyn St. It was only a matter of time before the cold, hard reality of their web of lies and deceits spun around a grain of truth came crashing down.

Of course like all Lenigas ramptastic scams the fat Aussie shyster has long gone selling out into the orchestrated rises. His Modus-Operandi should now be well known by every single Trader/Investor in the UK. Because it’s been well-known for the last 10 years by the ‘corporates’ in London.


Aussie Shyster SOLD all his UKOG ANGS shares into his orchestrated P&D

Lenigas is finished in the United Kingdom. (And he knows it) Which is why you’ll now find him spinning his lies on the Canadian, Australian & piss poor OTC markets. This is because he has been made persona non-grata by the London Alternative Investment Market (AIM) abuse team.

For any Aussie, Canadian or  small time US investor who happens to be reading this I have this message for you. Whatever you do and regardless of what this fooker promotes get as far away from it as is humanly possible. Research this mans history. It is a litany of lies and shysterism where every single company fails, leaving mug punters and a puppet regime to hold the baby.

What is very concerning for myself is how these two CONpanys have been allowed to not only raise hundreds of millions of pounds for assets that are patently uneconomic and paint them as ‘world changing’ when they’re quite clearly uneconomic but the damage to the communities, the environment and wild life in one of the United Kingdoms most treasured areas of outstanding natural beauty.

Weald: Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty

Saxon Weald. UK Heritage has to be cherished & saved.

The Weald is thirty miles south of London and half way to the South coast of England it’s an area of outstanding natural beauty combined with a fascinating history.  This was, to the Saxons of 900AD, part of Andredesweald (the forest of Andred the Roman fort at Pevensey), that stretched from the marshes of Kent to the New Forest in Hampshire – 120 miles long and 30 miles wide. The Weald of Kent, Surrey and Sussex encompasses the Lancaster Great Park formed in 1372 which was renamed as the Ashdown Forest in 1672.

The Organ Grinder & his monkey…

Angus Energy and UKOG have been pouring thousands of gallons of toxic chemicals and acids into the substrata of the Weald. For what? The damage to the environment, flora and fauna and upset caused to the communities surrounding these bogus drills has been rightly meet with anger. It’s high time that these so called ‘gushers’, that never gushed any thing other than lies, are shut down. As an O&G investor even I can recognise that they are not adding anything to the National Interest. They’re a fantasy orchestrated by the fat Aussie to rape UK Investors.

BB Loons

I don’t have any sympathy for the BB and twitter Loons who deliberately took part in this hoax. Those on twitter and London South East will be nursing a not very ‘Tight Hole’. My sympathy is for the genuine investor who has once again been shafted and finds themselves holding stock that is destined to continue to head well below 1p. The fundamentals on UKOG are horrific.

Angus Energy

The fundamentals on Angus Energy may be a little better but their Weald basin ‘Jackanory‘ now lies in tatters. Messrs Vonk & Tidswell are now desperate to change the ‘Jackanory‘. You’ll note that ANGS are shifting away from their ‘Brockham mega gusher’ and trying to direct attention to their recent Balcombe farm-in. This is what they do. Constantly change the story away from their failures. Brockham, just like Lidsey and correctly predicted by this site, is a bread & butter oil play at best. Piss poor. It, like Lidsey, is uneconomic for a public listed company. Now you don’t have to take my word for it but do check out the production numbers on the Government O&G portal or better still read the British Geological Survey.

UKOG & Angus Energy are a race to the bottom. Get out and stay out!



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6 Responses

  1. Paul. says:

    Funny enough I was in Angus and Ukog at one time. Got out early. Made a little. You all must look at the “sad rampers” long on lse etc. They’re trying to polish turds. Laughable.

  2. Paul. says:

    By the way keep the stories coming!!

  3. Napoleon 14th says:

    Quite true about Lenigas. I lost a few, very few, bob on earlier scams of his over a decade ago.
    Wouldn’t trust him further than I can throw him, and he’s a real fat slob……

  4. Mark says:

    Dan, UKOG messed up the drilling, Mud used and the angle drilled all contributing to the crappie outcome. Don’t write off the Weald yet, HH still to come, Balcombe, Angs / Lidsey new pump new rates to come. Couple of weeks will be deciding factor for me.

  5. CrusaderJon says:

    “LordLieaLot” Witty man, real witty Enjoy reading this mans thoughts and opinions. Lenigas hates him. That’s a thumbs up in Nottingham. Keep up the comedy drama exposing Fatty lenigas. Thanks for the heads up here and on RBD placing/speculation on CHAR. I lost a hefty chunk in LGO.

  6. Rich says:

    I was in both ANGS and UKOG last summer at the pinnacle of the hype and it is the smartest trade I ever made.
    Bought ANGS at 15p and sold at 32p. UKOG bought at 3p and sold at 10p on the day the SP went flying through 11p. It made no sense so I sold. So glad I did. I feel like a lucky one but I couldn’t work out why both us gone so high on no news. That’s why I sold. I feel for any PI’s that got spiked at those high prices., pub-7842875684800919, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
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