This is the Man responsible for every Henderson, Darwin & Primary Bid AST Dilution! Time to go Mr Carver!
This is a call to all Ascent Resources (LON: AST) shareholders. Todays RNS is yet another kick in the teeth by a Board who’ve decimated the company SP by allowing wholesale slaughter of their very own sticky shareholders at the hand s of Darwin Strategic, Primary Bid in the bolloxs! Lombard and Henderson Global. Do not be fooled by the various names being used to dump cheap placing shares into the market. These are subsidiaries of Henderson and the Ascent Chairman Clive Carve em up Carver is the chief rogue. Clive Carver is the Chairman of Darwin Strategic. He gets paid by Darwin Strategic. He is massively conflicted. This man has to go! Where is the O&G experience on the AST BOD? They are financiers the lot of them! Which is why a full strategic review is needed! Make no mistake this Board doesn’t give a flying fook about its share-holders! It’s all about creaming it in for themselves and their corporate chums!
Join the Ascent Shareholder Action Group. If you are a genuine investor then it is time to get organised and exert your influence on this Board. AST shareholders need a voice. We are close to 3%. Once we get there we will agitate for change. This Board have no ‘skin in the game’. You as share holders do! Regardless of what you think of myself this group is for the benefit of YOU! Join Up!
If you want to join up then please email administrator@brokermandaniel.com Provide your Name, Address, Holding and a contact telephone number. Value accretive Change is coming to Ascent so make sure your voice is heard!