$600 Million Dollar Fantasy Man. No wonder he’s smirking!
Followers will recall that we published a piece over the weekend on the sham being perpetrated by the fantasy $600,000,000 man Dave Whitby. You can read that piece HERE.
News has dropped from City of London sources that there’s yet another almighty ‘Kick up the AndalARSE’ on the way for holders of this POS. There’s a massive dilution about to drop. Over £2,600,000 worth of discounted shares at 0.45p-0.50p. That means that shares in issue, if it goes ahead, will be fast approaching 1.5 Billion. God only knows what warrant packages those involved with the massively discounted grab for cash will be.
We do know that Corsair, the private company run by Whitby & his cronies, will trouser approx., 230,000,000 on top of the 31,250,000 shares they’ve already trousered. Punters do not know what other fees in cash Corsair have had? The Reverend Tom Winnifrith has beat me to the line on this. You can read what Tom has discovered HERE
It’s going to be a bloodbath. Those foolhardy enough to have kept holding are now locked into the ticking time bomb that will explode very soon. They’ll need a 130% rise or (and a big almighty non-stop ramping campaign) thereabouts to get back to where it was pre suspension, if they relist at 0.45p/0.5p. Bearing in mind the low quality of the unproved, undrilled, Indonesian gas asset that’s in the pipeline. Value $1,000,000, It’s a case of hope rather than fact that CEB/Andalas will finish the day with a market cap of £20,000,000+. The real post readmission value, is cash at hand, listing value, plus asset. Which is approx. £2.5M. Being generous that equates to an SP of 0.20p or thereabouts.
The Pumpers and Dumpers will be out in force on RELISTING DAY. Remember some of those are sat on massive losses and would eat dog shit live on National television if they thought it would push the SP up.
Stay well clear. It’s a Bloodbath. Get in the popcorn.