We are activist share-holders and the role of activist share-holders is to create a set of circumstances where the management is working for the benefit of share-holders at the necessary pace to create success and it’s therefore good to see that the flurry of activity within the Company has increased exponentially within 2 days of the requisition being validated. That is share-holder activism in action. Share-holders will have to decide whether the people responsible for this change in pace i.e the activists and their nominated proven successful nominated board appointments or those responding to pressure should be running the business going forward re it’s turnaround.
It’s now game on for the hearts and souls (votes) of the long suffering Sefton Resources (LON: SER) share-holders. We had inundated Clem Chambers (Chief Executive Officer of ADVFN) et al over a period of time with emails and requests for help to call an EGM to get the company back on track. It has taken months of dogged determination not by one or two people but by a LARGE group of dedicated Sefton share-holders. The three names on the requisition represent over half a billion votes alone.
I personally decided to get re-involved as a share-holder activist. A share-holder who is entitled to protect his/her investment via legitimate share-holder action. Every thing thus far that has been done has been done in the best interests of all share-holders. The calls for an EGM have come from far and wide. The problem share-holders had is that the effort required to organize an EGM for a company registered in the British Virgin Isles is Herculean. BVI company law is specifically designed to thwart share-holders exercising their rights. For everyday folk it represents an impossible barrier. That barrier has now been smashed.
Retail investors (Most any way) are not millionaire playboys with time on their hands they have to work and bring up children, which in itself is a full time 24 hour job. Calling for an EGM is easy, actually committing to organizing one is a minefield of corporate law that can at each and every step blow up.
The failed Sefton board have now come out screaming like whirling dervishes. Throwing mud at the requisitioners, their very own share-holders! It is Clem Chambers and Michael Hodges who are running the show on all all corporate matters, not the 40 share-holders in the action group! We are quite rightly outside and will remain so.
Throwing mud is the last desperate act of a failed regime. A regime that should have closed off the Ellerton $500 ‘greenmail’ writ immediately. A regime that should have closed the Indo deal. A regime that should have closed the Kansas sale. A regime that has given $750,000 dollars to Rob Shepherd, whose name has now mysteriously vanished from all company RNS’s….. A regime that has at each and every turn stuck two fingers up to their own share-holders.
I am proud of ALL the SER holders who have tirelessly worked for this moment in time. Share-holders can if they collectively work together effect real change. Change that will bring in successful, proven financial corporate management with oil & gas assets that not only put production on the books, but allow for a huge exploration program that if successful will transform SER in to a genuine oil production company. The sector is awash with distressed oil companies/assets. Production can be picked up at low value while the oil price is at rock bottom. The new management team will come in and seek to close deals already tied up and further improve the quality of the board. It is my belief that big name CEO’s, have been approached. CEO’S with Oil & Gas backgrounds who know the value of the assets and how to develop them.
I’m voting for all the Resolutions at the EGM which will be held on 6 October 2015. I urge any and all share-holders to Vote for success and get Sefton Resources back on track.
Daniel Levi (Sefton Share-holder)