The shadow of Tom Winnifrith still looms large over the Master Investor Show. The first leaflet I was given was a 20% off pizza offer at TheRealmanPizzaCompany
Incognito wearing my false moustache with matching toupee, I popped down or up as the case may be, to the 2014 Master Investor Show, Saturday just gone. The show was held, yet again, at the Business Design Centre Islington London (yawn). Could the not so bright sparks who organise these shindigs come up with a new refreshing venue for what used to be a premier financial event in the private investor calendar? The musty Victorian esque BDC reminds me of an axed BBC programme that I used to switch over immediately. The Good Old Days. I half expected Jim Mellon to break out into song & dance with a boater and cane! It really needs freshening up. I don’t mean Airwicks in the loos! The format is stale.
My compadre for the day was Darren Atwater managing director of shareprophets. Who thought it great sport giggling at my “over-reaction” wig & mossie, likening them to Groucho Marx. Sadly for Darren the last laugh was with me when at mid-day the shareprophets managing director was apprehended by the ‘securitate’ & frog marched out of the aging BDC building. My “over-reaction” still in place I carried on minus my ‘shotgun’ who I expect will be forking out for a wig & tash himself!

Declining Numbers
Contrary to what the official line is on the attendee figures it wasn’t very busy. At most 700 people. Amazing what a wide angle shot reveals. However the quality of the Speakers was first rate.
Jim Mellon gave a stand out performance along with Simon Evil Cawkwell. I had to exit stage left from the excellent Zak Mirs technical traders session, it was over-running into Evil Simons’ a year in the life of Evil Knievil main stage appearance, which I was loathe to miss. Terry Smith put in a good show.
While Richard Reed was excellent.
I wasn’t impressed with the mix of companies presenting there. The show was top heavy with Bio’s/Pharm’s. The Diabetic Boot Company just didn’t do it for me. Just why there was a paucity of oil explorers/producers isn’t known. Very poor. At least Richard Gill could get a headache pill from the plethora of Bio/Pharms.

Not busy at all!
Just like The Good Old Days I can see the axe falling on the Master Investor show. At the end of a long day the best thing I got from the show was 20% off a pizza! It’s a case of the ’emperor with no clothes‘.
JM needs to shake out those that are telling him sweet nothings.
Otherwise the 2015 show will turn into a folly. A new management team for 2015 is their only hope. (You’ve got my contact details!)