#Cesspit Awards The winners are?

Against all the odds I managed to get to the #Cesspit Awards ceremony last night of course I arrived, as per usual, late.  How I got there and back in 9 hours bears testament to my Co-passenger ‘Champagne Ray’ who kept me compos mentis regaling me with the latest hot off the press news in the world of philately (Stamp Collecting to you & me) 50 years as a Philatelist has not dimmed his passion. In fact I now believe that he has gone bonkers, having taken to carrying around various stamps worth tens of thousands of pounds on the chance that he’ll meet another collector who’ll show him his if he shows him his;  (I bypassed Hampstead Heath just in-case).

On to the awards.  As a Northern interloper (Git) among the Southern (Gits) corporates I can have no complaints. It was an enjoyable evening with impressive performances from Lucian Miers & Simon Cawkwell both are people that have their fingers on the financial pulse and can pull the trigger in any discourse. When they speak people take notice for one reason and one reason only. More often than not they are invariably right on how a company or a market will go.

The consensus on Sefton? Chatham House rules prevent me from writing.  However Sefton did manage to sweep the boards winning 3 awards.  I shall leave the official announcements with voting figures to Messer’s  Winnifrith & Co. I collected one of the Awards on behalf of Sefton. Which I may present to Ellerton outside the Royal Courts of Justice should he ever have the brass neck to show himself. What became apparent during the awards was that Ellerton has got no credibility whatsoever in the City of London. Sefton are finished. No more listening to lies spoken with a fake American accent. Fraud has been called. Time has been called. Justice will prevail.

The attendees about 50 were evenly split between Corporate versus financial writers investors, bloggers.  I had several ‘chats’ with some of the CEOs that attended and believe me there were many. Any one who writes that Tom Winnifrith is now just a purveyor of pizzas whose opinions carry no influence in the wider financial world are talking capital B “BOLLOCKS”

There was another financial writer there who I got chatting to, Steve Moore. I suggest we all keep an eye on what Moore writes, I detect huge potential in this young mans ability.




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