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The Sefton Libel Update.

As you all know I am currently involved in an expensive Libel trial regarding Sefton Resources. An update today for those out there who are keenly following the case.

Yesterdays Case Management Conference with the Master  charged with the management of the proceedings went  without incident. A testament to the intelligence & integrity of the Master rather than the limited input from the parties.

I was  impressed with the way this chap handled the conference, his knowledge of the case and on-going legal directions/orders/applications was impressive.

It became apparent to me that both parties are treated equally before the law.  Fears of bias were wholly unfounded. As a lay person conducting the defence with limited resources I was treated courteously by the Court and Pinsent Masons. Seftons Counsel, was as sharp as a pin. I now firmly believe more than ever that our case is just and will prevail.

The day did not go with out incident. As I left the famous Royal Courts of Justice a protestor decided to take her clothes off and protest (see picture below.) The Police immediately arrived and ever so gently dealt with a rather awkward situation. Full marks to them. The lady was a little distressed and their care of her was first rate.

We are awaiting another CMC yet to be scheduled betwixt the parties where we will be allowed to make our applications one for a rejoinder/affidavit to their reply to our  defence the other an application for Trial by Jury.

“I’m shaking it here, Boss. I’m shaking it.”


Viva El Revolution



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