, pub-7842875684800919, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Tangiers Petroleum. One for the chaps.

Well it’s going to be an eventful few weeks for all those who were invited to take part in the Tangiers Petroleum placing. A little bird tells me that he/she had

Snake charmers, Morocco, Tangiers One man stan...
Snake Charmers from Tangiers.

to fight tooth & nail to get his/her allocation of stock which had been greedily snaffled & re-appropriated else-where. In-other words our contacts promised stock had been wrongly snatched back by the snake charmers running the placing. Excuses were made but our hero stuck to his/her guns and managed with the persistence of a Mountie to get his/her rightful allocation back. The question I’ve been asking myself for the last week is thus; Why have high net worth individuals been scrapping like cats & dogs to get their snouts in the Tangiers trough? Reports aplenty here of screaming matches with brokers!

A quick look into Tangiers Petroleum may hold the key.  S&P Capital IQ announced last month that it has commenced coverage on Tangiers. Now Standard & Poor are a respectable Behemoth of the global financial community and S&P Capital IQ are a leading provider of multi-asset class data, research and analytics to institutional investors, investment advisors and wealth managers around the world. So why are S+P initating coverage on a small independent such as Tangiers? Could it be the prospective resources independent report prepared by worldwide petroleum consultant Netherland Sewell and Associates  on (The Tarfaya Block, offshore Morocco) Tangiers Petroleum’s initial four Jurassic-aged prospects that established an un-risked best estimate prospective resource of 867 million barrels of oil and a high side of 4,959 million barrels of oil?(Tangiers 75%) Or could it be the 3.1 Trillion cubic feet of gas net to Tangiers who hold a 90% interest in the Nova Block in Australia? As reported by The Independent petroleum consultants ISIS? Or maybe it’s both? Or could it be that rumours are flying around the market that these reports have been conservatively estimated? Who knows but there’s one thing for sure the traders will be all over this stock today with a miniscule 12. 7 million shares being floated on AIM this morning any buying could push this stock much higher! It’s one for the Blogosphere to get researching for the future. Watch-list them. (I’ve put them on my watch-list) as the company progress their assets. Big stakes here!



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