, pub-7842875684800919, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Rockhopper Exploration. The Sunday Times? We told you in November!

It’s good news for holders of Rockhopper Exploration today as press reports begin to surface that there’s the possibilty of a full Takeover from one of the many companys sniffing around. The latest one in the frame is Cairn Energy, reported in the Sunday Times yesterday. Maybe Danny Fortson has been reading our protected November articles ? It’s been known by most that Cairn have already been in discussions re’ partnering RKH last year. Of course the company will tell you that last years talks were only informal. If you swallow that you’ll swallow anything! Talks have been ongoing on & off for months.

So who will be first past the post to claim the prize of Sea Lion? Well we will just have to ask our friends over at Merrils!!!!
Takeover Target

It’s a funny old world now we know why we have had Cannacord monitoring the Blog!

For all those wishing to read it the password is rocky12.

It’s going to be a busy day here for the Market Makers who are expecting Day-Traders to pile in this morning. Positions are already being taken. Will she go up? Does a bear shit in the woods? (pardon my French!)

Chalk up another one for the Blog of all Blogs!



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