, pub-7842875684800919, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Jubilee Platinum. One for the Day-Traders

This alchemical symbol for platinum was made b...

Platinum Symbol

**It’s 1am in the morning I’m UP late as I have to test the links on the new site.**

Some thoughts on Jubilee Platinum keep running through my head.   Midas has really gone heavy tipping this stock and for the life of me I can’t see it going any other way but up this morning. Here’s what he wrote….Platinum is one of the most valuable metals. Up until recently however smelting it was an expensive process, controlled by the three ‘majors’ in the industry –Anglo American Platinum, Impala Platinum and Lonmin; but things may be about to change. The reason for that is Jubilee Platinum, a small company with exclusive rights to a new smelting process that is particularly effective for platinum ore from UG2, one of the main seams from which the metal is being increasingly sourced. Its smelters are smaller, cheaper to run and produce far less harmful waste gas. This may allow the company to substitute the larger mining outfits in smelting material for smaller producers, which they do so now in exchange for sizeable fees. Small miners fell out of favour last year as the financing environment deteriorated, but Jubilee is making money from smelting ferroalloys for steel. As well, Jubilee still owns a 63% stake in the Tjate mine, one of the largest undeveloped platinum projects in the world. The mine is several years from production but it is a prestigious asset, particularly as the metal is predicted to be in short supply over the coming decade. At 12 1⁄4p the company´s shares are a bargain. Small miners are never risk-free, but even if Jubilee hit trouble, it would almost certainly be snapped up by a big rival. says the Financial Mail on Sunday´s Midas column.

Now if only half of what he says comes to fruition Jubilee represent an interesting stock to research. Platinum is indeed a very precious as well as rare metal and

native Platinum nugget, locality Kondyor mine,...
Could be a sea change here rise predicted!

is used in a whole host of process’s from satellites to jewellery, telecommunications, smart bombs, surgical instruments etc. I suspect that trading will be brisk here over the next few days. Could be one for the Day-Traders.





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