, pub-7842875684800919, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

2012 Happy New year.

New Years-1-002

I hope everyone has had a good Christmas. I did speak to Santa on your behalves asking him for some inside info on what he was going to bring you all for Christmas. Unfortunately Santa refused to divulge any information and sent me away with a lump of coal.

As we see out 2011, it just remains for me to wish everyone online who visits the Blog whether you be supportive or not a very Happy New Year and all the very best for 2012; which is the year the New BMD site goes live.

So good luck to all for 2012. Go easy on the booze tonight!  HAPPY NEW YEAR!


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No Responses

  1. Stevie says:

    Happy New Year Daniel Good luck with the new site in 2012.
    I’ll be joining.


  2. John Vizer says:

    Happy & Prosperous New Year to you Dan – It is a Year of the Dragon so perhaps China is going to be where its at!
    All the best and keep up the good work


  3. Mike Jones says:

    You should of asked santa for a matra pressie maybe a look into the future/
    Top man Daniel keep up the good blogging will of course follow you over to your new site/blog whatever it 2012 seasons greetings to yoi


  4. pickle says:

    Ho Ho Ho happy new year Daniel.

    Santa Claus


  5. Neil says:

    Best wishes to you Dan and thanks for your help in the last year.

  6. Bob Bennett says:

    cheers Dan have a good, prosperous new year .Looking forward to new website .Bob

  7. paul says:

    cheers Dan all the best for 2012 hopefully we all do better this coming year

  8. Tom says:

    Happy New Year!!

  9. Bob Bennett says:

    Dan,a very happy prosperous new year.looking forward to the new website

  10. angela says:

    happy new year Dan

    All the best and keep up the good work


  11. Danny says:

    Think positive everyone,believe in your actions and see the rewards happen !
    2012 is the year you’ve all been waiting for, the only way is up.


    Danny, pub-7842875684800919, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
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