Private Investors were asked “What do YOU consider to be the Matra Valuation on full Field Development?”
I acting as the returning officer for the above Poll in the said constituency of Brokermandansville do hereby declare that the total number of votes cast are as
12p Pence (1201 votes) 27.40%
3 Pence (353 votes) 7.99%
25 Pence (389 votes) 8.68%
15 Pence (860 votes) 19.63%
7 Pence (441 votes) 10.05%
It’s much to early to calculate (1150 votes) 26,26%
There were no spoiled votes. The total number of votes cast were 4393.
Thank you all for voting and I’ll see you at the next AGM when according to most we’ll be trading in the region of 12-15 pence!
Acting Returning Officer Dan.
No password has come thou yet, for most recent password protected Matra post, was it sent…??
hi dan regarding your latest email at 2.05pm 2.12.12 which is password protected. the password has not been received to allow me to access. please can you forward asap so I can input it and read the news. kind regards.
no password for your latest matra post at 2.05pm 2.12.11 has been received so i cannot read it. i await the password asap. thanks
Many ifs and buts, it’s okay just assuming full field development . The major question is will they actually achieve this ? You wouldn’t trust this board with a spud gun .
But if they get their act together there could be an immense opportunity here, a ten bagger at these levels , and hopefully a return on investment for those who bought in when tipped at 4.5p
All shares are down, I mean look at lloyds , 20 off pence , and a recession looking likely in 2012 . They will need to raise funds , not a good place to be in this market . Pure out and out punt , could go either way, they produce the goods and your looking at 10 times your money .