The Cannacord eye is watching.
Well, well, please forgive the double barrel play on words. You can all chalk another one up for the worlds favourite controversial financial Blog. (There’s no publicist like a self-publicist!) Just a little story while I’m feeling all smug. We did receive some contact from Cannacord Genuity last week after our RKH POST unfortunately chivalry dictates that I cannot go in to what the correspondence entailed however those WHO HUFFED & PUFFED AND THREATENED TO BLOW THE HOUSE DOWN must be feeling a little silly this morning. Cannacord were told in no uncertain times by my good-self to “push-off” Apparently the Blog posts have been meandering their way onto the screens of the compliance unit at Cannacord for quite some time.
So how come those Institutions that recently increased their stakes prior to todays announcement ALL got it so perfectly right? It’s a question that will never be answered. But it does go to show that our article last week was spot on and correct.
It’s all down to research! Or is it?
El Daniel!
Well 14/10-9 Update
Rockhopper Exploration plc (AIM: RKH), the North Falkland Basin oil and gas company, is pleased to provide the following update on Exploration well 14/10-9 (the “Well”).
The Well penetrated multiple targets: Casper, Sea Lion Main Complex (“SLMC”), Kermit.
Casper:- Oil and Gas Discovery
· Total net hydrocarbon pay 18m (59 ft)
· Net oil pay 9.6m (31 ft)
· Net gas pay 8.4m (28 ft)
· Gross reservoir 21m (69 ft)
· Net to gross 88%
· Reservoir quality good
o Porosity Average 23%, Maximum 27%
o Permeability Average 110mD Maximum 232mD
o Water Saturation Average 17%
· No Oil Water Contact observed
Sea Lion Main Complex:- Successful appraisal well
· Net oil pay 36m (118 ft)
· Gross reservoir 62m (203 ft)
· Net to gross 62%
· Reservoir quality good
o Porosity Average 20%, Maximum 27%
o Permeability Average 86mD Maximum 1285mD
o Water Saturation Average 26%
· Oil water contact of 2501m observed at base of SLMC
· Gross reservoir 49m (161 ft)
· Reservoir sands are water wet with shows
The Well was drilled 5.9 km to the south west of the 14/10-2 discovery well towards the southern edge of licence PL032. The Well was successful both in Casper and Sea Lion proving a high quality reservoir package and oil column. Good quality sands with oil shows were also penetrated in Kermit.
The Casper prospect was penetrated in a relatively updip position to the west of the structural low approximately 4.8 km to the west of the 14/10-8 well. Reservoir quality is good with porosity of up to 27% and permeability of up to 232mD. Wireline logging and formation testing indicate 8.4m of net gas pay above 9.6m of net oil pay. The gas oil contact is observed at -2399m tvdss.
The Company believes the presence of the gas cap would be likely to enhance oil productivity from Casper, and additionally Sea Lion development scenarios could include this location for a potential gas disposal well.
Sea Lion
The Well penetrated both the SL10 and SL20 lobes of the SLMC. Reservoir quality was good with porosity of up to 27% and permeability of up to 1285mD. Net oil pay was 22m in the SL10 and 14m in the SL20. A free water level with a 10m transition zone above was observed at 2501m at the base of the SLMC. The Company believes the Well result will have a positive impact on the minimum case area for Sea Lion.
Good quality reservoir package was encountered. Reservoir sands were water wet with shows.
Rockhopper now intends to sidetrack the well in order to core both the Casper and Sea Lion formations. These operations are expected to take an additional 7 days following which the well will be plugged and abandoned as planned. A further RNS will be issued once coring operations have been completed.
Further to the Farm-In announcement of 12 October 2011, Rockhopper has now received the necessary regulatory approvals including consent for change of operatorship on licence PL004b. Accordingly, following completion of operations at 14/10-9, Rockhopper intends to drill a well in licence PL004b (now operated by Rockhopper) some 6.3km South West of the 14/10-9 well, which will target the most southerly extent of the SLMC and additionally the Beverley prospect. A further RNS will be made on the spudding of this well.
Samuel Moody, CEO, commented:
“We are delighted to be able to confirm our second oil discovery in the Basin along with another successful appraisal well on Sea Lion. The result of this well will significantly increase our minimum case area for SLMC up towards our previously mapped mid-case. This, combined with the Casper discovery will, we believe, have a very positive impact for our low case volumes in place on our acreage. The presence of gas within Casper should prove a benefit to any Sea Lion and Casper developments.”
mD millidarcy
TVDSS: True vertical depth sub-sea in metres
Rockhopper Exploration plc
Sam Moody – Chief Executive
Tel. +44 (0)20 7920 2340 (via M: Communications)
M: Communications
Patrick d’Ancona or Ben Simons
Tel. +44 (0)20 7920 2340
Canaccord Genuity Limited
Charles Berkeley / Henry Fitzgerald-O’Connor
Tel. +44 (0) 20 7050 6500
One notch for the blog, well done, can you off-set this notch against MTA though?
I’ve just spoke to MTA for over one hour. Keep the faith with them Christian they’ve got up to 50 million barrels of oil!
Wow what can they possibly talk about for an hour Dan? I think to expect punters to keep the faith is wearing thin Dan. For me i think Matra are running on fumes! What’s your take on the funding issue?
Do you have a mobile telephone number? If so email it to me.
My only consolation at the moment it that with all the losses, my holding in MTA is so paltry that I don’t care about losing it. Hence, I’m holding, though not really out of any faith that they will come good.
Hey Dan,
Please don’t ignore this – its done in good faith.
I would like an update on Aminex please. You recommended them and the price has only gone up 6% since, before now plummeting over 65% :(. You have not mentionned them since.
No offense, but surely you wouldn’t buy a stock for a 6% rise before a giant plummet?
Thank you and best wishes.
You were spot on with rockhopper mate.
In a good market easily worth 10 quid, I said this months ago, before the more recent good news .
People complain about the market , but , if possible they should take advantage , there are bargains everywhere , rockhopper was at 135p not too long ago, not due to any significant problem other than general market confidence , if your buying , wouldn’t you rather their be a sale ?
Same with GKP , absolute bargain , and so under valued when compared Witt tony haywords new vebture, GKP easily on its way to being a major , I remember the so called experts saying it was a waste of time when it dropped from 20 to 13p, the same experts keep saying mxp need flow rates, when these non producers don’t, they fly 60% for spudding a well, we have had more spuds than tesco this year , and hit oil 12 times
Ask-2 due on Wednesday , targeting 50m same as the whole of MTA
One of the 12 discoveries gave us flow rates of 1200 bopd – same as the whole MTA
We have 11 more shallows to bring online
Plus we spudded the elephant in the room, EMBA B – 497m barrels
2 deeps fully funded, debt sorted till 2013
Excellent 3D and ramping production, merchant securities says it can hardly think of a better junior oiler – yet in the time we have found oil 12 times , we have dropped from 20p to 10p , des has zero everything and has doubled from 11p nearly. Roxi 60% up just for spudding , a well a fraction the size of EMBA .
I’ve wrote
To the aim regulation , as it must be manipulation
All the jigsaw peices are there, mxp will join GKP and the others being a multi bagger , and when it does the potential will have seemed obvious in hindsight , it normally does, but the hard thing is patience , to be right, and sit right .
More often than not investors are correct but Panic or get emotional and sell too early to realise the potential they first sported . As Buffett says be greedy when others are fearful , the market will turn , it always does , buy cheap now and forget about them for 5 years .
Your only problem then will be paying capital gains tax . The sales are on , don’t being a tenner
will all matra sufferers be getting an update dan ?
Yes I’m penning it as we speak. Lots of coffee & cigarettes.