Just a quick update for our loyal followers.
We here at the Blog of all Blogs have been very busy of late with the new web-site. To say that Archives, Meta-Tags, Content, Advertisers, Page Designs etc are the stuff of my nightmares would be an understatement. There’s not been a day when we haven’t had to address these matters. Fortunately our Designers have proved to be probably one of the best we could have contracted and a big thanks from me goes out to them. The new site is coming along very fast and hopefully it will be online within the next 4/5 weeks.
Now moving on to upcoming posts. I’m currently taking a long look at Pan Pacific Aggregates and Herencia. I’ve had some information passed on and as ever will be giving them the third degree. If there’s any followers of the Blog who know these companys then do feel free to email the admin dept with your thoughts.
Hey dan!!!
Just a pointer – its herencia resources (:
Also what are your views on aminex? Been disastrous recently
Cheers mate
there are far better value for money goldies out there, CNR for starters! 2Moz to JORC already with scope to increase that by December to 2.5Moz (1.5Moz at La India), targetting 3Moz by next summer and all for £35m mcap. Or for a fledgling company try GGP, just announced a JV with Unity Mining who have developed a mine right next door to the JV prospect, producing $9m gross p/month. £1m cash in the bank and mcap of £4.5m
Drop me an e-mail Dan, I’ll let you have as much info on PPA as you want :-)))))
GO PPA, GO…!!!!!!
Best advice you will ever get is to avoid Pan Pacific and invest in a company where the directors have have some skin in the game, cash and less than 5 billion shares.
Lots of very good companies at knock down prices, why bother with junk like this.
I would look at GRL (goldstone resources, if you want a 10 bagger, currently 7p, have cash and unity mining have a massive stake in them)