, pub-7842875684800919, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Matra Petroleum. News from the Urals

Cover of "Batman and Robin, Vol. 1: Batma...

Peter Hind & Neil Hodgson

Well here we go there’s an awful lot of activity being reported at the drill site in Orenburg. Could be that the workover is all but finished. Matra must now know what the situation is regarding the work-over. But this being Matra, who as you’re all aware have an abysmal Investor Relations record, counts for nothing when it comes to updating Private Investors. No doubt those that have an institutional interest in the company have been kept apace with the operations. It’s one rule for them and another for us lesser mortals. Take Note Peter Hind patience is wearing thin. Further news. Matra has been discussing funding for the upcoming seismic/A14 Drill with their Nomad/Board.  Meetings aplenty (the Batphone has been glowing) What form this takes is anybodys guess. Delek could more than likely contribute as could an outright placing which rumour now has it looks unlikely. Now here’s a very good point on the timing of funding. If the funding is announced before A12 news then some think that this bodes badly for the A12 workover. If A12 is successfully remedied then investors can expect a funding announcement within a matter of a days/week. Lots of disgruntled Private Investors have emailed the Blog this week. I remain fully committed to Matra. I believe that fortune favours the brave here. The company are genuine in their efforts. It’s not long now before Batman(Hind) & Robin(Hodgson) announce results of the A12 workover. Countdown has begun! It’s looking good to me. I say that as I am in for the long-haul via a whooping return from full field development!


Daniel (The Joker)

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No Responses

  1. johnptfranks says:

    Fingers crossed that the workover has been successful. Saying that would the sp not have increased more if those in the know knew the results?

  2. Matra holder says:

    Come on Dan I know it’s difficult but surely you must be able to get the heads up on when Matra are about to release. I’ve spoke to Neil and Peter and its obvious they read this blog. so that tells me you’re well in mate.
    Get the results published before they announce

  3. OB1 says:

    As always Matra dont do leaks, well ones of the informational nature.

    I would happily take the water boarding job thanks, we could use the products from A12 from the past 3 months to fill the bath

    Cheers OB1

  4. bren says:

    The pair of them should buy some stock here. Last time I checked they had bugger all between them. I think I hold more stock then both of the directors put together., pub-7842875684800919, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
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